Set 11 Day 1 Comp List by Clement Chu

Hwei/Azir Exalted

Key is getting to 9 through Titan's BT Sylas/Kayn. Hwei is more demanding on items, Azir can take whatever. Lots of ways to build: Mythic, Dragonlord, Storyweaver, etc. pay attention to Exalted to help hit 9. Generally considered the max cap. Highest winrate comp.


Took a truckload of nerfs, but still very strong. Gnar does die a bit earlier than before. Dryad spat goes to Aatrox. Fill out with 2x Warden or Ornn/Udyr. Comp has insane augment ceiling: Featherweights, Two Healthy, Long Distance Pals.

Janna Reroll

The pride of EMEA, now picked up more in CN. This is the ultimate "I won't win, but I'll get a top 4 comp". Janna has 840%AP ratio and very little cast animation so that's the build. Taxes lobby due to shields snowballing. Dragonlord Crown gives Guinsoo, best start.

Duelist Reroll

No real magic here, just that Qiyana and Lee Sin buffs are noticeable. Qiyana is now rerolled and can give you 15%AD teamwide, Lee 2* now deals close to Trist 3*. Throw in a Malphite early for some resists.

Yone Reroll

Xunge believes key to playing this comp well is building Titan's+BT+(Hoj/QSS). Guinsoo is good mid-game but falls off hard late. Priority on augments that can give AS so you don't sacrifice survivability: Pumping Up, Tiny but Deadly, Not Today are BiS.

Ashe Warden

Qitu's understanding: Most people get wrong about the comp is that this is a +1 emblem comp. You need Sniper or Porcelain Emblem to make Ashe deal damage, and the traits looks far better. Snipers have plenty of damage amp, Avoid Giant Slayer and Guardbreaker since they don't scale as well with Sniper.

Vertical Storyweaver Kayle

Kai'Sa(item holder), Lee Sin all buffed. 60second recommends going green/red/green, full main tank Galio to revive. Key is to abuse support items to buff Kayle since she can't hold any. Fine vintage, Support Cache, Stationary Support, etc.

Clement Chu translates TFT knowledge from Asian regions hot off the press at!


Invoker Lillia


Set 11 Launch Item Tier List by Rainplosion