Bard Tahm Reroll


Bard requires very particular items. Rageblade is mandatory, you should try to build two if possible. Gunblade is the next best item alongside Rageblade by far. Other passable items if you can’t get these are Giant Slayer, Guardbreaker, Infinity Edge, Red Buff, Shiv, Morello, Deathblade, etc. but you should try to greed as much as you can.

Prioritize 3 item Tahm Kench after Bard. Stoneplate is great on Tahm Kench because resists synergize with his ability that gives HP. It also synergizes with Bard’s Gunblade and Soraka Altruist healing. You do not need to greed your chains and cloaks though, you should build Adaptive, Steadfast, etc. if you have the components available. Do not build Crownguard because Bard wants three Rods.

You can also go for Three Star Zoe or Soraka. Itemize whichever one you're closer to hitting. If both are equal, then itemize Soraka, because her ability has utility.

Red Kayle is better in data, but Green Kayle has been trending upwards because the meta is shifting to more Stoneplate frontliners, on Fated Yasuo or Thresh, for example.


Sivir should be next to Bard so she can give him attack speed. Bard and Kayle should attack the same target if possible. If you have Stoneplate on Tahm Kench, put him solo frontline. You can clump your entire backline around Sivir if your opponents cannot punish it, this extremely useful during Stage 3 and even Stage 4.

Board Examples

The level 7 comp is a very fixed board that you usually level on stage 3-5 and roll for 2 stars, then slowroll keeping a bank of 50 gold.

Stage 2 (ideally 2 frontline + 2 backline)

Early Stage 3

Stage 4 onwards (add Rakan + legendaries)

For a more in depth explanation of items and augments, check out Aesah’s Bard Tahm Reroll video!


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