Gnar Senna Reroll


Prioritize getting 3 Gnar items first, he wants at least one Omnivamp item (Bloodthirster or Hand of Justice) and bruiser items such as Titan’s Resolve or Sterak’s Gage.

3 AD items on Senna is next priority.

Tank items can go on Aatrox.

This is a full AD comp so armor sunder is important with Last Whisper on Senna, or Evenshroud on Aatrox.

You will have an Inkshadow item, frontline ones can go on Gnar, damage on Senna. Note you can move them around very easily by benching the unit holding the Inkshadow item so it's ideal to have three items on the same unit in the early game (e.g., Tattoo Fury on Gnar and later moving it to Senna, or Tattoo of Protection on Gnar and later moving it to Aatrox).


3 star Gnar can usually drain tank with omnivamp so you want him to get some aggro but not all, side is usually good so he can wrap enemy backline sometimes. Have Senna and Gnar focus the same target.

Board Examples

The level 6 comp is very fixed board that you usually level on stage 3-2 and roll for 2 stars, then slowroll keeping a bank of 50 gold. When you level, you will usually add in two Wardens at level 8. Compared to other options such as 4 Dryad, this helps naturally transition Caitlyn into Ashe and also playing Sett for high unit quality.

Stage 2 (ideally 2 frontline + 2 backline)

Stage 3 and Stage 4

Stage 5 (Level 8 without legendaries)

Stage 6 (gradually replace low quality units)

For a more in depth explanation of items and augments, check out Aesah’s Gnar Senna Reroll video!


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