Sniper Ashe


Good Ashe items include anything that gives AD or AS such as Infinity Edge, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Deathblade, Runaan’s Hurricane, Giant Slayer, Guardbreaker, etc. Rageblade is a strong scaling option that gains more value in a lower damage setup with more frontliners such as the one shown above, and also excels at the start of sets when comps are less optimized overall and fights last longer. Armor shred is very important, either through Last Whisper or Evenshroud. Antiheal is nice to have as with in every comp.

Frontline items will typically be whatever components you have leftover; good frontline items include Crownguard, Warmog’s, Vow, Adaptive Helm, Dragon’s Claw, Stoneplate, Bramble Vest, Steadfast Heart, Evenshroud (if no LW), and Sunfire Cape (if no other antiheal). As always, pay attention to your item economy as Gloves are very valuable so you should avoid building Steadfast Heart unless you already have your carry items. Similarly, Tears and Rods are less valuable so building Crownguard and Redemption can be a good option.


Snipers gain increased damage based on how far they are from enemy units, so placing Ashe in the corner is ideal. Avoid placing other backliners too close to Ashe so she is more protected against enemy area of effect abilities; if you are playing Senna, she can be placed next to Ashe for the AD buff. If you have no Sunder from items, place Aphelios closer to Ashe. Make sure you cannot be wrapped by enemy melee carries by not leaving more than 2 hexes open on the left or 1 hex open on the right. If you are relying on Evenshroud for your Sunder, it must be within range of Ashe’s target (2 hexes).

Board Examples

As always, shown boards are just an example of what you might play in game! TFT is about making the best out of the random shops you get- sometimes this means playing 4 Snipers and/or 4 Wardens, 6 Snipers with an Emblem, etc.

Stage 2 (add Shen or Malphite at 5)

Stage 3 (drop Mythic soon)

Stage 4 (level 8 without legendaries)

Stage 5 (level 8 with core legendaries)

Stage 6 (level 9 with all legendaries)

For some different opener examples and a more in-depth explanation of items, check out Aesah’s Sniper Ashe video!


Trickshot Kai’sa


Arcanist Syndra