Videos Skip to Videos Recently Added | Evergreen | Office Hours | VoD Review | Masters+ | Emerald+ | Bronze+ | Econ | Items + Augments | Board Construction | Meta + Comps | Positioning | Misc. | Masters+, Econ, | 2/6/25 Minimum Component Change Masters+, Evergreen, Econ, | 2/1/25 Common Econ Mistakes Masters+, Econ, | 1/27/25 Fast 9 Evergreen, Masters+, Econ, | 12/24/24 Jinx Encounter and Economy Variance Econ, Meta + Comps, | 8/28/24 14.17 Meta Update Masters+, Econ, | 3/25/24 Advanced Fortune Guide Masters+, Emerald+, Econ, Bronze+, | 3/7/24 Adjusting To No Headliners Econ, Bronze+, | 2/21/24 Econ Tempo Econ, Bronze+, VoD Review, | 2/17/24 Gen__tle Plays Disco in Emerald Econ, | 12/6/23 2 Cost and 3 Cost Reroll Econ, | 12/5/23 Fast 9 Gameplay Examples Econ, | 11/20/23 Stage 2 Econ Fundamentals Econ, | 11/5/23 1 Cost Reroll Basics