Videos Skip to Videos Recently Added | Evergreen | Office Hours | VoD Review | Masters+ | Emerald+ | Bronze+ | Econ | Items + Augments | Board Construction | Meta + Comps | Positioning | Misc. | Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 4/20/24 Standard Ashe Lillia Masters+, Positioning, | 4/19/24 Melee Wrapping Masters+, Positioning, | 4/18/24 Lissandra Positioning Emerald+, Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 4/17/24 Gnar Kindred Reroll Masters+, Items + Augments, | 4/16/24 Evaluating Call To Chaos Emerald+, Items + Augments, | 4/15/24 Playing Around Inkshadow Tattoos Office Hours, | 4/13/24 Office Hours April 13 4/12/24 Janna Reroll Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 4/11/24 Kog'maw Reroll Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 4/9/24 4 Bruiser 4 Trickshot Kai'sa Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 4/8/24 Duelist Reroll Masters+, VoD Review, | 4/8/24 Ghostly Tempo with auqaa Office Hours, | 4/6/24 Office Hours 4/6/24 Board Construction, Emerald+, | 4/5/24 Playing Level 9 Set 11 Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 4/3/24 Standard 6 Ghostly + Senna Reroll Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 4/2/24 4 Reaper Yone Reroll Board Construction, Emerald+, | 3/31/24 Playing Stage 1 in Set 11 Masters+, Emerald+, Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/30/24 Vertical Fated Aphelios Board Construction, Emerald+, Items + Augments, Meta + Comps, | 3/29/24 How to Use Every Emblem and Tierlist Emerald+, Items + Augments, | 3/27/24 Fine Vintage and Trash To Treasure Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/26/24 Bard Tahm Reroll Masters+, Econ, | 3/25/24 Advanced Fortune Guide Emerald+, VoD Review, | 3/22/24 VoD Review Bloody 7 (Masters) Office Hours, | 3/22/24 Office Hours March 22 Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/22/24 Gnar Senna Reroll Board Construction, Bronze+, Items + Augments, Meta + Comps, | 3/21/24 Three's a Crowd, Two Healthy, Built Different, Twin Terror Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/21/24 Invoker Lillia Set 11 Masters+, Positioning, | 3/19/24 How to Position Every Unit in Set 11 By Broseph Office Hours, | 3/17/24 Office Hours 3/16/24 Board Construction, Masters+, | 3/16/24 AP Item Holders Set 11 Board Construction, Masters+, | 3/15/24 AD Item Holders Set 11 Emerald+, Items + Augments, | 3/15/24 Every New Augment in Set 11 Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/14/24 Trickshot Kai'sa Set 11 Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/13/24 Sniper Ashe Set 11 Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 3/12/24 Arcanist Syndra Set 11 Office Hours, | 3/9/24 Office Hours 3/9/24 Board Construction, Bronze+, Items + Augments, | 3/9/24 Antiheal, Sunder, and Shred in Set 11 Masters+, Emerald+, Econ, Bronze+, | 3/7/24 Adjusting To No Headliners Meta + Comps, | 3/6/24 Review of Deisik's Set 11 PBE Comps Masters+, VoD Review, | 2/25/24 Pivot Opportunities Masters+, VoD Review, | 2/25/24 Double Raise The Stakes Meta + Comps, | 2/24/24 NA Regionals Meta Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 2/22/24 Lulu Reroll 14.4 Econ, Bronze+, | 2/21/24 Econ Tempo Office Hours, | 2/18/24 Disco, Country, AD Flex game examples Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 2/17/24 Submit To The Pit 14.3b Econ, Bronze+, VoD Review, | 2/17/24 Gen__tle Plays Disco in Emerald Masters+, Misc., | 2/14/24 How To Scout and Play Uncontested Masters+, Positioning, | 2/12/24 Positioning Against Key Units 14.3 Masters+, | 2/10/24 VoD Review JShell (Masters) Misc., | 2/10/24 Office Hours 7 (2/10/24) Meta + Comps, | 2/8/24 Meta Update Patch 14.3 Misc., | 2/5/24 Using the Hexagon Emerald+, Items + Augments, | 2/5/24 Best Augments 14.2 Misc., | 2/4/24 Office Hours 6 (2/4/24) Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 2/3/24 Punk Jinx 14.2 Emerald+, | 2/2/24 Live Coaching Bloody 6 (Diamond) Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 1/31/24 Pentakill Flex 14.2 Bronze+, | 1/26/24 VoD Review Shrub (Platinum) Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 1/26/24 Superfan Reroll (Katarina, Bard, Kayle, Kaisa, Seraphine, Lulu, Miss Fortune) 14.2 Emerald+, | 1/26/24 VoD Review Bloody 5 (Diamond) Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 1/26/24 Heartsteel AD Flex 14.2 Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 1/25/24 Executioner Guardian 14.2 Misc., | 1/20/24 Office Hours 5 (1/20/24) Board Construction, Masters+, | 1/17/24 Playing Stage 3 Masters+, Meta + Comps, | 1/17/24 Heartsteel Raise The Stakes Masters+, Positioning, | 1/17/24 Stage 2 Positioning Emerald+, | 1/17/24 VoD Review Bloody 4 (Diamond) Masters+, | 1/16/24 VoD Review Kurumx (peak Rank 1) Emerald+, Items + Augments, | 1/15/24 March of Progress (and Cruel Pact) Masters+, Meta + Comps, | 1/15/24 Advanced Disco Dazzler 14.1 Masters+, | 1/15/24 Playing For 1st vs. Placements Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 1/12/24 Yasuo Reroll 14.1 Board Construction, Emerald+, | 1/10/24 AP Flex Game Examples 13.25 Emerald+, | 1/9/24 VoD Review Bloody 3 (Emerald) Bronze+, | 1/8/24 VoD Review EngelHard (Emerald) Misc., Emerald+, | 1/6/24 Hidden Headliner Rules Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 1/6/24 Crowd Diver Yone 13.24b Misc., Emerald+, | 1/2/24 VoD Review Tips and Checklist Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 1/4/24 Twin Terror Twitch 13.24b Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 1/3/24 EDM Jax 13.24b Emerald+, | 1/1/24 Vod Review Bloody 2 (Emerald) Emerald+, Meta + Comps, | 12/31/23 Mid Game Direction Masters+, | 12/30/23 Office Hours 4 (12/30/23) Emerald+, | 12/27/23 VoD Review dxn (Emerald) Masters+, Misc., | 12/27/23 Playing Around Portals Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 12/25/23 13.24b Disco Dazzler Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 12/24/23 13.24b Sentinel Ahri Emerald+, | 12/24/23 VoD Review Inter (Diamond) Misc., | 12/23/23 Office Hours 3 (12/23/23) Bronze+, Meta + Comps, | 12/22/23 13.24b Country Reroll Board Construction, Bronze+, | 12/22/23 VoD Review Bloody (Platinum) Bronze+, Positioning, | 12/20/23 Wrapping Basics Meta + Comps, | 12/10/23 13.24 Meta and Lines Econ, | 12/6/23 2 Cost and 3 Cost Reroll Items + Augments, | 12/5/23 Fast 9 VoD Review ai (Masters) Econ, | 12/5/23 Fast 9 Gameplay Examples Items + Augments, | 12/4/23 Item Decisions: VoD Review with all3nvan (Challenger) Items + Augments, | 12/3/23 Planning Ahead: VoD Review Bulle (GM) Board Construction, Misc., | 12/3/23 VoD Review Digitox (GM) Board Construction, | 12/3/23 Playing Level 9 Board Construction, Misc., | 12/2/23 VoD Review Wololo (GM) Items + Augments, | 12/1/23 Using Item Stats Misc., Items + Augments, | 11/30/23 Using Augment Stats Econ, | 11/20/23 Stage 2 Econ Fundamentals Meta + Comps, | 11/27/23 Annie Reroll Guide by SpencerTFT Misc., | 11/26/23 Office Hours 2 (11/26/23) Meta + Comps, | 11/26/23 Patch 13.23 Top 8 Meta Comps Board Construction, | 11/25/23 Playing Stage 1 Meta + Comps, | 11/24/23 Superfan Miss Fortune Positioning, | 11/20/23 Frontline Mana Management Misc., | 11/24/23 Office Hours 1 (11/19/23) Items + Augments, | 11/22/23 Stage 2 Item Slam Tier List Items + Augments, | 11/20/23 Shred Sunder And Antiheal Basics Board Construction, Items + Augments, Meta + Comps, | 11/18/23 VoD Review xFSN Saber (Challenger) Meta + Comps, | 11/17/23 Country Pentakill Meta + Comps, Positioning, | 11/14/23 Default Melee Carry And Edgelord Positioning Misc., | 11/14/23 Mental Misc., | 11/14/23 Time Management Items + Augments, | 11/14/23 Item Economy Basics Econ, | 11/5/23 1 Cost Reroll Basics Previous